
By Tom

  1. What country, slightly less than three times the size of Texas, uses the peso as its currency?
  2. The first non-axis jet plane to see combat was?
  3. Which leader nationalized the Suez Canal in 1956, instigating an international crisis?
  4. What punctuation mark ends an imperative sentence?
  5. What country touches the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal?
  6. The ancient Phoenician city of Constantine is located in what modern-day Arab country?
  7. Who stars as Don Hewes in the movie version of Irving Berlin’s “Easter Parade”
  8. Which country borders 14 nations and crosses 8 time zones?
  9. What immigrants brought Santa Claus to America?
  10. Who took over as the top civilian administrator of Iraq in May 2003?


  1. Mexico
  2. Gloster Meteor
  3. Colonel Nasser
  4. A Period Or Exclamation Point
  5. India
  6. Algeria
  7. Fred Astaire
  8. Russia
  9. Dutch
  10. Paul Bremer

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